November 21, 2012


Once upon a time...
I had a striped fabric; for long, I didn't use it! because the print was so interesting, I just wanted to give it the right cut, obtain no scraps!
(Now I can say it: I'm not comfortable making scraps and leftovers: I never, but never! want to throw them out, even the tiny, tiny ones, and so, the pile become bigger and bigger.
And, to make something from them, re-use them...ih! it's such a lost of time!)
So. This fabric, 7 stripes print...I've decided to make a bargello quilt!
I've cutted the needed widths, I've made some calculations...I start to sew...
Thanks to that print, they were eliminated some seams, made the quilt less bulky! I loved it!
The rest of the process was the well known one: added 3 borders, made the sandwich ...basting, hand quilting, binding ...and use it immediately!!

That's it. I love it, I love it!! My first Bargello.
I always tried to find the easiest way to obtain the same result, at the same quality!
Again, here, the print was very helpful!
Maybe later, someday, I'll make another Bargello, a real one, from cutted stripes, and many beautiful prints...(maybe from scraps!) I'll see.
Till then,
Happy sewing!!!

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